
One of the four big blocks we see when we enter to the Content Management platform is "Statistics". Inside we can see different statistical data about the downloads of the App or interactions with different sections.

Statistics section, bottom left

Once we access this section, we´ll see a group of blocks. At the top, we´ll see a stripe with different statistics sections, such as: Downloads, attendees, logged attendees, attendees showing data and, lastly, comments.

This is the real-time type of statistics, which could be the information of how many users downloaded the app or logged in at the moment. On the other hand, we have a menu with three sections: Summary, Devices and Attendees.


In this section, we can see a breakdown of various types of statistcs:

Firstly, the block of downloads where we can see a total number of downloads, and their amount on iOs and Android devices.

In the next block we can see statistics related to the attendees, where we can see a total number of created users, how many of them are logged in and how many of them accepted to show their profile.

Lastly, the third block consists of statistics related to an access to various sections of the App and some of the interactions.

Moreover, we´ve got an access to the questions to speakers that have been asked during the events (where they were activated) and ratings of various sessions and speakers.


In this block we can see different charts. The first one is the number of downloads per day, while the second one is the number of downloads by Operating System.


In the last block we can see all of the information about users who are signed up in the app, for example, their name, their email, a device which they used to access the App and when was the last time they accessed.