Gamification and Quizzes
The Gamification section allows to create different challenges to the attendees, similar to the Trivia or Quiz games; the Admin will launch a question and the attendees have to select which is the correct answer (picture or text).
We can also select, (if necessary), to which group of attendees are going to participate.
To include a new quiz in a Challenge we only need to click "Edit" in the "Challenge" icon. Now, to create a new quiz we need to go though the Event Day Tab in the top of the main screen and select "Add new". In this way we can create a Challenge with several quizzes instead of an isolate Quiz. For Challenges and Quizzes we will need to fill the proper form.
If we want to include a quiz in an existing challenge with the first option : Editing a "Challenge", we would need to clik in the "Add new" at the bottom of the pop- up screen.
Then we will need to fill the form below:
Active: to be able to display the Challenge in the App
Tittle*: for the Challenge. Mandatory field.
Description: instructions for the Challenge and how to solve it.
Show ranking?: if marked, the attendees will be able to access to their position in the ranking.
Main picture: will be the picture to be displayed when the Challenge starts.
Quizzes: to add the questions for the quiz by clicking "Add new"
Once the Challenge has been created, we will need to fill the form for the new Quiz going through the "Even Day" Tab he top of the screen.
Type Algorithm*: we can select two different options. Mandatory field.1.-Lineal: with this type the question will have 10 points scale for the question2.-Default: based on the time of response. The scale can be selected by the Admin.
Introduction: to include the instructions and the subject of the questions.
Time to resolve the quiz: minutes to answer the questions. Show ranking?: If marked, the attendees are going to be able to access to their position in the ranking.
Main picture: picture is going to be displayed in the App during the time the attendees are resolving the questions.
Show correct answer after answering?: If marked and we failed, the right answer will be highlighted in green.
Start date*: when the Quiz is going to be available. Mandatory field.
End date*: when the Quiz is not longer going to be available. Mandatory field.
Maximum number of attempts allowed: max number of times the attendee can try to resolve the question.
Number of questions to use in each round: when a user completes a Quiz, it will only be shown a certain amount of questions. The questions will be selected randomly and in random order each time.If the quiz does not have enough questions, all questions will be shown."
Message show after filling the quiz*: brief text for the attendee noticing the Quiz has finished. Mandatory field.
Once the first Quiz has been created, we are now allowed the create the different questions, going through the event we have already created. In this section we will find two different options:
- Multiple values
- Images
Multiple Values: with this option we can create a question with different options to answer; these questions are actually similar to the Survey ones.
We will need to introduce the text of the question in the "Description" field and to mark the "Is the correct answer" tic in the correct one.
Image: in this case, instead of create a text question, we will be able to upload pictures to the App.
You can also have a look to the video tutorial below: