Expositors Module

The Expositors Module is similar to the Sponsors one, but including the Stands which are going to participate in our event. We can also locate them in a map and to asign a logo to each one of them. In this section will not be possible to include any Carousel. 

You will need to fill  a form for it:

Name*: for the stand. Mandatory field.

Description: brief presentation for the company and their products.

Url: website of the company.

Email: contact email for the stand we want to be displayed in the App.

Map: we can link a Map we have already created in the Map section.

Tags: this functionality allows us to differenciate Stands using Tags e.g. by subjects: IT, Technology, Finance, etc.

Social Media: we can link the different social media url for the Stands.

Picture Upload: we can include the logo of the comany. The size of the picture has to be: 720px X 536 px.

Please be careful with the size of the file. You can use this tool  to make it smaller if necessary http://tinypng.com

Categories: we can create different Categories to make easy the search of standars for the attendees.

You can also have a look to the video tutorial below: